Where Are The Clean Tech and Data Science Startups?
An interesting place to look at how the ecoinformatics market is evolving is to take a look at the startup scene in this space. What’s really interesting about the clean tech and big data space is that innovation happens at all levels – startups, national and state government institutions, cities, large companies, non-profit organizations, just to name a few. People and organizations are working to solve problems at different scales and that drives innovative solutions in all the different clean tech sectors. For example, the Nature Conservancy is doing some really interesting work in looking at how remote sensing and machine learning can be applied to wildlife and conservation. Similarly, cities in California are experimenting with smart meters and social media to improve water conservation. However, let’s look at startups in the space as surrogates for estimating the market. And as expected, a picture emerges of a few sectors that are being heavily funded. The CleanTech Group