July 19th, 11am Pacific Time: Getting Started with Machine Learning in Clean Technology - Live Workshop

 It’s hard to believe that July is already here - what a year it’s been so far! When the pandemic started we were just beginning to launch our series of online courses and workshops to a small community of professionals who were interested in applying data science to solving the problems facing our planet. Our community has been growing every month that we’ve been doing these courses and workshops - and this month, we're doing a workshop on a topic that many of our members have asked us about - Machine Learning in Clean Technology.

If you’re interested in learning about machine learning in clean technology - the problems and use cases in clean technology, what algorithms are deployed most often, how machine learning in clean tech differs from other common applications in high tech, and how to get started - join us on Sunday, July 19th at 11am -12.30 pm Pacific Time.  You can sign up for the workshop here or on our courses page

So, how do our workshops and online courses work? The workshops are virtual, live sessions where we introduce the material and the concepts in the topic and then work through a real-world example that illustrates what we’ve been talking about. We’ve heard from our attendees that working with us on a real problem clarifies the concepts, gets them started quickly using datasets and software that is used in the field and helps build their confidence. We then convert the workshop into an online course so that every one who’s signed up gets access to the material and can work through it at their own pace and time - even if they weren’t able to make it to the live session. Of course, the real-world problem, together with the datasets are included! 

We started the workshops as one-off sessions, but based on the requests we’re getting from the community, we’re now going to expand these to an entire series of live workshops, online courses and reports. Starting August, we’ll be doing 2 live workshops every month, with more workshops and reports to follow. So far, we’ve done introductory courses on spatial data analysis, remote sensing and machine learning - we’ll be doing deeper dives into these and more topics on applying data science in clean technology.

What our community are reading

Moonshots, Models, IoT and Machine Learning in Agriculture

Our online community space is now live!

State of the market update - players, funding, jobs and more