What's new in 2020 at Ecoformatics?

 Here's wishing all our readers a very happy new year!  Last year, we started our journey to making data science accessible for people interested in clean technology and solving the problems facing our planet. 

We had the pleasure of conducting several workshops and online webinars on different aspects of data science in clean technology. We covered a wide range of topics in our in-person workshops where we discussed data sources in different clean tech sectors, how to build effective algorithms and models including deep learning, and presented uncertainty analyses and business use cases. We also began conducting online sessions in the latter half of the year where we introduced folks to careers and tools at the intersection of data science and clean tech. 

As part of our expansion plans in 2020, we're creating an online education platform that focuses on applying data science effectively in clean tech sectors. We're in beta this month and are building our content which will consist of live workshops, online courses and reports . Right now, we're offering a bundle of our existing courses and reports for free to all our beta users (a $30 value). We'll be adding more content every month, including access to new webinars and live workshops, so stay tuned.

If you think that having access to our courses and other educational and informational content would be useful, please sign up here as one of our beta users!

Our platform is hosted by Teachable, which we chose primarily for their commitment to user privacy and the glowing reviews from other students on how easy it was to use. We'd love to hear what you think about it, so please let us know!

What our community are reading

Moonshots, Models, IoT and Machine Learning in Agriculture

Our online community space is now live!

What’s the impact of your smartphone? Mapping the distribution and environmental impact of mines around the world